Inspiration Elsa Wilson-Cruz Inspiration Elsa Wilson-Cruz

April: What God Sees

[God] regards men not as they are merely, but as they shall be; not as they shall be merely, but as they are now growing, toward that image after which He made them that they might grow into it.
— George MacDonald, "The Child in the Mist"

photo: Seljalandfoss, Iceland

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Inspiration Elsa Wilson-Cruz Inspiration Elsa Wilson-Cruz



I heard them calling in the distance
So I packed my things and ran 

I heard them calling in the distance
So I packed my things and ran
— "Mountain Sound," Of Monsters and Men

They sound like Iceland feels. 

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Inspiration Elsa Wilson-Cruz Inspiration Elsa Wilson-Cruz


I had the privilege of meeting Buddy while I was in Iceland earlier this month. The greatest tragedy of the trip was leaving him behind. 

I will never forget you, Buddy. 

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Inspiration Elsa Wilson-Cruz Inspiration Elsa Wilson-Cruz

Surprise Yourself

Jack Garratt, Phase (2015)

Speak and open up your mind
It's something you should do all the time
Keep exploring, seek and find
You know you might surprise yourself...

By Jack Garratt, Phase (2015)

Speak and open up your mind
It's something you should do all the time
Keep exploring, seek and find
You know you might surprise yourself
Talk without a taint or hold
The doubts that should embrace your heart
The calm and chaos of your soul
You know you might surprise yourself

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