Writing the Wound: Wim Wenders Narrates Grace

I wrote about Wim Wenders over at Mockingbird.

The Salt of the Earth follows Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado’s global pursuit of compelling images and stories. His photo projects take him from the gold mines of his native country to post-genocide refugee camps in Rwanda. Although Salgado narrates most of the film, Wenders’s vision for and attraction to the content shape our reception of the story. Salgado was entranced by the sense of dislocation in the people he photographed, and Wenders in turn reveals this dislocation to the viewer. Near the beginning of the film, Salgado says that photography is “writing and rewriting the world with light and shadows.”
— "Writing the Wound: Wim Wenders Narrates Grace," by Elsa Wilson

Taken As We Are


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